
We are looking for Volunteers!


Volunteering is a noble profession, let's take a look at how you can help us meet the needs of our community. We envision our members having the opportunity to happily participate in all aspects of life.

Why Volunteer?

  • It will help our community
  • It will improve your communication skills
  • It will enhance your Credit Union
  • It will add experience to your CV

What can I do to help?

We aim to ensure that our range of great volunteering opportunities give our volunteers the benefits they are looking for. We have a range of volunteering opportunities across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, including customer services, admin and project work. So, whether you are looking to enhance your CV, build experience towards a qualification or new job, or just meet new people, then we will work with you to find the perfect role.

We at the Credit Union cannot achieve our objectives in the community without the commitment and support of our volunteers. If you feel you (or a friend) have the relevant experience to take part and you have a few hours a month to spare, for more details, please contact us.


Volunteer Application Form

If you would like to become a volunteer, please fill in the form below and click submit when you have finished.

(details of the organisation and the length of time with them)

(if any)